Monday, February 8, 2016

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday February 8-10

Period 7:  Assignment: Entrepreneur Web Article- Charting the Text

Print and read the  article  "New ways to strike it rich on the Web." (I have copies if you cannot print).  Underline/highlight evidence that supports the title.
When you are done reading/highlighting, go back and break the article up into at least 3 sections.  On a sheet of notebook paper, summarize each of the sections in your words.  It is entirely up to you as to where you break the article up.  Make sure you break it into at least 3 sections though and summarize.  
Staple your summary and the article together and hand in to me.

Period 1,2- 

Economies Questions
  1.   How do mixed economies and market economies differ?  How are they the same?
  2. Imagine you live under an authoritarian government.  Explain hardships you may face as a citizen.
  3.   How does specialization make us more efficient?
  4.    How does competition among firms benefit consumers?
  5.   Explain why economic equality is difficult to achieve in a free market economy?
  6.  What characterizes an authoritarian government?
  7.  How do socialism and communism differ?
  8.   Why are nations with centrally planned economies sometimes slow to succeed when they privatize industry?
Types of Econonomies Graphic Organizer
Economic Systems Graphic Organizer: See below
Read about the following types of economic systems and make a graphic organizer for each system explaining what they are and identify examples.  Make sure you create a detailed explanation and not just the definition from the back of the textbook. 

1. Traditional (p26-27)
    Example: What country or culture is similar?

2.  Command/Centrally Planned (p 34-35)
    Example: What country or culture is similar?

3.  Market/Capitalism/Free enterprise system (p28-29)
    Example: What country or culture is similar?

4.  Mixed (p40 only)
    Example: What country or culture is similar? 

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